Nine Ways to Win Big in the Lottery

Almost all state lotteries follow similar trajectories: They legislate a monopoly for themselves; establish a state agency or public corporation to run the lottery (as opposed to licensing a private firm in exchange for a share of the profits); begin operations with a modest number of relatively simple games; and, due to the need to recoup investment costs and meet a continuous stream of revenue requirements, progressively expand their offerings. The resulting proliferation of gaming options has made state lotteries an important component of the gambling industry and, in many cases, have placed them at cross-purposes with their larger public responsibilities.

Although the casting of lots has a long and rich record in human history—and is mentioned several times in the Bible—the use of lotteries for material gain is less ancient, although it has a broad and widespread appeal. Lotteries have been used to raise funds for civic projects, ranging from paving streets to building wharves and churches, and were instrumental in financing the settlement of the first English colonies in America. During the American Revolution, George Washington sponsored a lottery to help fund the construction of roads across the Blue Ridge Mountains. Today, many people buy lottery tickets for the chance to win a prize of enormous proportions. But, while the odds of winning vary wildly, there are ways to improve your chances of success. Read on to discover nine expert tips that will help you transcend the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary in the realm of lottery play.