Sbobet is one of the most popular bookmakers in Asia with a reputation for competitive odds and live streaming. They cover a wide range of sports and events including horse racing, football, tennis, virtual games and eSports. Players can choose from a number of betting options such as win and place bets, over/under and Asian handicap. Its customizable interface and multiple languages are also a plus.

To deposit money on SBOBET you can use a number of payment methods. These include debit and credit cards, e-wallets and pre-paid cards. The minimum amount of deposit depends on the chosen currency and method. In addition, you can set a daily maximum deposit limit for your account. This feature is useful if you want to avoid losing too much money and reduce the risk of gambling addiction.

You can also use the My Bets function to view a summary of all your active, waiting and rejected bets. In addition, you can mark specific sporting events and leagues as favorites for quick access to their odds. You can even bet on a match at the very moment it is happening.

You can also use your sbobet account to play Toto Draw, a lottery style numbers and colours game. You can bet on different events or even play a free version of the game. SBOBET also offers a mini version of Jewels of Anubis and a mini Toto Keno Bingo game.